Defeat Your Depression
Paxil®, Prozac®, or Zoloft®

Medication alters the electrical balance in your brain by injecting foreign chemicals into your body, which travel in your bloodstream to your brain. When beneficial changes occur in your mood and behavior, your prescribing physician reasons that you were suffering from a chemical imbalance in your brain and that the medication corrected the imbalance.

Do You Want to
Balance Your Brain by
Imbalancing It Further?

The chemical imbalance theory is very misleading. It is based upon false logic. Just because a remedy causes a problem to disappear from view does not mean that it has been resolved or that the true cause has been addressed in any way whatsoever. Consider the following analogy:

Analogy: Glasses Don't Fix Your Eyes

Glasses correct your vision by introducing a new distortion on top of the existing distortion in your eyes. They help you to see better, but do not correct your eyes. Take off your glasses and you still can't see.

Reality: Drugs Don't Fix Your Brain
Medication improves your depression by creating a distortion in your brain's functioning. The new distortion on top of the existing distortion may help you feel less depressed, but does not correct the underlying dysfunction. Stop the drug and your mood will depress again.

It does get confusing, but, before you settle for a life full of pills, you owe it to yourself or your loved ones to investigate your alternatives.

For information about alternatives to medication for resolving depression, call (714) 985-4700 now to schedule a FREE phone consultation.

WARNING: Under NO circumstances should you stop taking any medication prescribed by your physician without his or her guidance. There are legitimate and therapeutic reasons for taking medication depending upon your specific needs and situation. The philosophy expressed on this website is merely that medication is too often used as the treatment of first resort when there are much better options to try first. Any decisions you make regarding starting or not starting medication are your responsibility and should be made in consultation with your licensed health provider.

Balance Your Brain
by Learning to Think Better

Cognitive Therapy and its close relative, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, successfully treat depression by helping people change their thinking patterns through structured learning experiences. All learning involves reprogramming the brain by strenghtening existing connections and/or forging new ones. This therapy balances the brain's functioning without traumatizing the body with artificial chemicals.

Research supports the power of this alternative to drugging the brain to relieve depression as noted below:

RESEARCH REPORT #1: A meta-analysis of 28 studies revealed that Cognitive Therapy surpassed medication and other psychologically-based therapies in reducing uni-polar depression. Cognitive Therapy worked as well as drugs regardless of the severity of depression. People who successfully responded to Cognitive Therapy were 50% less likely to relapse or seek further therapy following termination as opposed to those treated only with medication.

Obtain Paper Here

The formal publication reference for this paper is:

Butler, A. C. & Beck, A. T. (1995). Cognitive therapy for depression. The Clinical Psychologist, 48(3), 3-5.

For more information about cognitive-based therapies for resolving depression, call (714) 985-4700 now to schedule a FREE phone consultation.

Balance Your Brain
by Learning to Regulate Its
Electrical Patterns

Your brain is an electro-chemical organ. If it is accurate to say that it is chemically imbalanced, it is equally accurate to say that it is electrically imbalanced.

Fortunately, it is possible to measure many electrical patterns of your brain by placing sensors on your scalp. Even more fortunately, you can learn to permanently alter those electrical patterns using neurofeedback.

Research demonstrates that you may be able to learn to disarm your depression by regulating your brain through neurofeedback.

RESEARCH REPORT #2: A review of neurofeedback studies confirms that depressive symptoms are often related to disregulation in the left versus right frontal lobes of the brain. Studies suggest that assessment using the quantitative EEG and treatment using neurofeedback may help target and treat the underlying difficulties.

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The formal publication reference for this paper is:

Masterpasqua, F.; Healey, K. N. (2003). Neurofeedback in Psychological Practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 34(6), 652-656.

For more information about electrically balancing your brain to defeat depression using the QEEG and neurofeedback, call (714) 985-4700 now to schedule a FREE phone consultation.

For more information about the quantitative EEG, click on the link below:

More Information about the QEEG

For more information about neurofeedback, click on the link below:

More Information on Neurofeedback